Tuesday 12 July 2011

Avalon Code(DS) Review

Today I’m going to review a game that has mixed reviews. It was a game that you either loved to bits or hated it so much you wanted to run it through a wood chipper. Avalon Code is its name. Which was released by Xseed 2 years ago in 2009. I didn't pick it up until last year because I heard absolutely nothing about it until a year later. So I took a trip to EB games and I found it on the new shelf for about 20$, and apparently it was the last copy because this game is out of print now. A shame really, because this game is something most JRPG fans need to experience.

So I was expecting some “save the world!” plot but its actually the other way around. The world is ending and you have been chosen to create a new one with the book thats been given to you. So you spend the whole game slapping people and things with your book, basically deciding who and what gets to be the in the new world. Your also in charge of getting all the books spirits back into the book so you have to go look for them. Later on the story gets quite a bit more serious when you find out that someone is after the book and wants to kill you.

Points: 9 Took me by surprise

There are way to many characters in this game, each you get to know in different ways. Its either they have little quest favours for you to do or you can build a romantic relationship with the select Bachelors/Bachelorettes. I myself was a very bad girl and had a relationship with all the boys just so I could see their subplots. The downside to this is that they all break into my house to say good morning and it can get a little awkward. Lets focus on the book's spirits for the time being because they travel with you everywhere(btw, you as the main character really don't have a personality so i'm not going into them). We have Rempo the energetic loudmouthed fire spirit who had his hands shackled to the book, Mieli the happy go lucky wind(?) spirit who has her legs shackled to the book, Neaki the mute ice spirit who was her voice shackled to the book, and Ur the serious, and rather good looking lightning spirit with his eyes shackled to the book. They all travel with you and offer a good little spice to the story, though sometimes really getting on my nerves. I suggest having either Neaki or Ur as your main companion because the other two may annoy you to know end, especially Mieli.

Points: 7 they kept me amused

You probably can't tell from the really bad screen shot I put up at the top of the review but this game looks phenomenal on the DS. I was blown away by how pretty everything looks. This is definitely one of the best graphics for the DS out there. My only complaint is that some of the accessories you can craft and put on your character don't “fit” them very well, a small graphical error.

Points: 8 Very impressive

Okay if there was a game that should have been bundled with a soundtrack its this game right here. The music was lovely to listen to. Now the sound effects on the other hand, specifically the sounds monsters made drove me MAD. I want to find the sound director and give him a swift kick for being such an idiot making all the monsters sound more annoying than a squealing monkey.

Points: 7 for the good music

This is going to be a long one so watch out. Okay so this game used both of the DS screens quite well. The top screen is where you the character is, where you fight things, talk to people, you get it. The bottom screen though is the book which you tap with your stylus to explore. When you touch the book time basically stops in game and the top screen is replaced with the respective book spirit you've chosen to be your guide/annoyance. The book is everything in this game. Its where you get your equipment, where you can screw with people's “codes” and give them a different personality, make the enemies strong or weak, EVERYTHING IS THE BOOK. You mix codes on different items to make it something new. Like adding a fire code to an iron sword with make it a fire element sword so you can now light torches in dungeons by hitting them with your sword. Ah yes the dungeons, oh boy. The dungeons are divided into rooms where in each you must solve a puzzle within a time limit, and doing so will get you recipes for cool items and a good score. Also you can't move on until you've beat the room so get your brain ready to solve all these frustrating puzzles! Yay! The gameplay itself is a lot like Legend of Zelda games where you run around and hit things in real time. I think this is all I can really say without you having to experience to understand what I'm saying.

Points: 7 The books can be a little hindering at times but its a pretty cool system

Lasting appeal:
I loved this game to be honest. It was something original that dared to be different and it was great because of it. I played this game through 3 times (twice as a girl and once as a boy) because It was that much fun. My only complaint is that its over too quickly.

Points: 8 if it was only a little bit longer!

I think that all JRPG fans and the fans of the Harvest Moon franchise should give this game a run, if you can find it in the stores that is. Its impressive and worth your money. I know that quite a few people didn't like this game but its all in one interests and all. But seriously this game is fun, give it a try.

Points: 8 Because it was just good plain fun.

TOTAL: 54/70

I'll leave you with the Japanese trailer today because it has good game play footage in it


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